Sunday, August 24, 2008

Day 2, I may get addicted yet.

Ok, so making an entire list of summer memories in one day, was a little ambitious. I do not have the ability to concentrate on organizing all those thoughts in one sitting. So, in following in the footsteps of those great minded pilgrims that created the always adored and inspirational "Quote of the Day" or "Word of the Day" calendars, I will aim for a memory a day, er, post. Once, again, I never aim at being over ambitious. Consider me your very own calendar of self-indulgent skips down my own memory lane.  
(Thanks for reading Novak)
Before I reveal today's "Memory of the Post," I will build the suspense a little with mindless chatter about my weekend. As you can probably draw from my tear stained blog, I was a little bummed everyone left. So, I left too. I came back, but I fooled myself for about 24 hours. I traveled to Lubbock and spent the night with Jennifer, Emmie, and Sloan. Emmie is in a reading phase, which is fantastic, and I read her a lot of kiddie books. Although, I am so perturbed by the lack of plot, nay ending involved in these books. I felt like I kept looking for an extra page, and none to be found. I would very quietly add my own uneasy "the end." If I ever write children's books, you better believe there will be a beautiful and definitive ending. Bam.

The next day I was lucky enough to meet up with Troutman. I was suppose to just chat with her for a minute and then head back to Amarillo, but she is so sneaky I hung with her for about 6 hours. I must admit, well worth it. We both cried a little in remembrance of summer...but we mainly laughed and solved all the problems of the world. I also got to see Lindsey and Matt Spitsberg, my adorable married friends and Nicole Mendez. How nice to catch up with college friends. It made my fake escape seem even more realistic.

Ok, ok, settle down. Here it is: Memory of the Post:
*Recording for the Bright Ideas. One of my favorite nights. Brian, Me, Clint, Jordan, and Novak gathered around the mic, while Zach danced around to express the beat, Clint totally tuned into him, Brian glancing around the room to acknowledge the ridiculousness of it all, and eventually all losing it to laughter. Great music. Great friends. Great. 


Jordan Troublefield said...

I've said it once, Rebecca, and I'll say it again. This summer was merely the prologue of things to come. Can't WAIT for late October. :)

david santos said...

I love it!

Lindsey said...

Ummm... back at-cha. I've been hoping for some more stories, but to no avail.
Here's to hoping. :clink:

Jordan Troublefield said...

Hah. Some addiction.